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What We Do

Our Mission


The Advocacy Committee was created to give Preservation Piedmont an active voice in local public processes related to development.  Advocacy reviews and comments on new codes and legislation, petitions for the preservation of buildings that are threatened by development, and keeps members up to date on issues affecting the built environment. 




Alarmed at the rapidly increasing loss of Charlottesville's architectural fabric, Preservation Piedmont initiated a City-wide program called 'Document Before Demolish'. The program aims to record jeopardized historic structures through photography, field notes, and, under special circumstances, measured drawings. 


In March of 2004, Preservation Piedmont submitted a request that the City of Charlottesville adopt the Document Before Demolish program as a requirement of the demolition application process. In support of this request, Preservation Piedmont designed a simple, two-page documentation form (PDF) to be submitted with accompanying site sketch plan and photographs that could be completed within a short period of time. The program has the support of the Neighborhood Development Services Department but has not yet been adopted by the City of Charlottesville.  


In the interim, Preservation Piedmont has arranged to receive notifications of demolition applications from the City. Once notified, members of Preservation Piedmont go out with camera and documentation forms in hand to record each property slated for demolition. All field records and data generated by the program are temporarily stored in Preservation Piedmont archives and are available upon request.

We Need Your Support Today!


The Piedmont Area Preservation Alliance (PAPA) is a regional  umbrella organization formed in 2007 by a Preservation Piedmont steering committee to encourage preservation organizations to build a communication network. Its stated mission is to sustain the cultural and ecological resources of Central Virginia. 


The PAPA organization facilitates sharing of organizational news primarily at an annual gathering. The social and networking event is hosted by one of the member organizations, and is usually held at a historic building. Each organization is asked to have a representative make a short presentation about their organization’s recent activities. The current membership of each PAPA member organization is invited to attend, along with local and state government elected and appointed officials. If your organization is interested in joining PAPA, please use the contact us page to send us a message!


Past PAPA annual events were held at the following locations:


2005 Kenwood

2006 Cloverfields Farm

2007 Blenheim Farm

2008 Garrett Hall, UVA

2009 Woolen Mills Fall Tour and Open Houses

2010 Tiverton

2011 Montalto

2012 City Space

2013 Pink Warehouse

2014 Miller Center

2015 Montpelier

2016 The Rotunda, UVA

2018 Morven

2019 City Space

2020 Virtual Webinar

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